i love this one =)

Click on the link
below the pictures to navigate. :)

Chairman: Mr Tan
celebrates his birthday on 11th August.

Advisor: Mdm Phua

a walk in my stilettos
celebrates her birthday on 18th June.


Shanghai- the words will never express
celebrates her birthday on 21st December.

Erase me
celebrates her birthday on 2nd june.


celebrates her birthday on 13th Sept.
Journalist on the runway to SHANGHAI :DD
celebrates her birthday on 26th July.

SotongStory in Shanghai.
celebrates her birthday on 7th August.



version waterphonemelon

do not remove
designed by illustrated.. basecodes thanks to sherhwan. brushes , deviantart. image frm deviantart. & fonts dafont!

Saturday, July 26, 2008
Our future talent @ 1:17 AM
I'm really impressed with what Elaine,the melon-educator had taught in the last post.
She definitely do some useful source and research from the website.
I'm sure she has a GOOD social studies who taugh her alot about melon.
Aint Elaine is great?
Well, I think she is.
At least she has a rare talent and interest of MELON's history.
Great and really impressed.
I bet she will work hard and continue with her research.
Peeps, dont look down at her.
Maybe you never think before, she might be the future first and ever Melon's Researcher/scientist.

Btw,I'm here to thanks those peeps who wished me HappyBirthday. (:

ELAINE HUANG SHU JUAN, the future Melon's Researcher (:



Friday, July 25, 2008
@ 6:45 PM

elaine can definitely be our melon-educator, for many sures.. :)

hee.. what about an exco board huh!

your bestest friend.

ooh baby baby ooh. @ 4:24 PM
Hello dearies..

This is Elaine blogging.

this is a very relevant website to us as we love/adore watermelons and fervently wanna build a huge watermelon farmwhatsthatcalled? Ohwells, we hafta see this cause this will affect our career/passion/LOVEfor fruits like watermelon. Despite the fact Mr Tan is now eating more 'papaya's than watermelon, this might be supported with evidences.

Source A
The watermelon dont look good.


Mr T. Eng Hui of Woodlands Secondary School.

Source B
Seedless watermelons roxx.


Miss Elaine Astatine Sulphate of Class 3C

Source C

So expensive!!!!!



Below is a short summary of how seedless watermelons could change our lives(or not.)

Seedless watermelons were invented over 50 years ago, and they have few or no seeds. When we say seeds, we are talking about mature seeds, the black ones. Oftentimes, the white seed coats where a seed did not mature are assumed to be seeds. But this isn’t the case! They are perfectly safe to swallow while eating, and don’t worry - no seeds will grow in your stomach.
The seedless watermelons need seeded watermelons in order to be pollinated and set fruit. In a watermelon field where they're growing seedless, roughly 25% of the plants are seeded varieties and 75% are seedless varieties. Hives of bees are brought into the fields to cross-pollinate from the seeded plants to the seedless plants. Without this cross-pollination, the seedless watermelon plants would not produce fruit.

now, lets recap how to choose a wm?

How to choose a watermelon???
It's as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Look the watermelon over. You are looking for a firm, symmetrical watermelon that is free from bruises, cuts or dents.
Lift it up.
The watermelon should be heavy for its size. Watermelon is 92% water, most of the weight is water.
Turn it over.
The underside of the watermelon should have a creamy yellow spot from where it sat on the ground and ripened in the sun.
De-seeding a watermelon:
If you would like to de-seed a watermelon, here's a nice and easy way to do it.
This is perfect to dice up into chunks for a snack, use in salsa, mix into drinks or anything else you would use watermelon for.
Be sure to wash your watermelon and knives before cutting into it.
Cut watermelon in half, then in quarters !!!
Cut through the flesh of the melon along the seed line with a pairing knife. Now, lift off the piece you just cut out.
Using a fork, scrape the seeds from the piece you just removed and from the remaining flesh on the rind.
Storage and Handling of watermelon yeah!!!!
Handle your whole watermelon gently, to avoid internal bruising.
Wash hands.
Wash your watermelon in running water, rinse well and pat dry.
Cut the flesh from the rind, and cut into 1-inch cubes.
Place in covered container and refrigerate immediately.
Keep cut watermelon refrigerated until consumed, up to 3-4 days.
Choosing and Handling Pre-Cut Watermelon
The flesh of the watermelon should appear dense and firm.
Refrigerate to preserve maximum freshness.
Cover the cut surface of a melon with plastic wrap to prevent the flesh from becoming mushy.
Store chunks of watermelon in covered plastic containers.

Cool, right??

press on the pic..


Sunday, July 20, 2008
@ 7:09 PM
keep this blog lively is rather HARD.
please fellow Guas,
post with something interesting.
if not this blog will die sooner or later.
see our Elaine kept motivate us
so dont let her down:)
if eu wanna e password & email address,
eu can ask from me,liying,elaine or bixuan.
We look forward to your post.
Thank you very much:D


:DDDDDDDD 哈哈! @ 5:23 PM

please post more. tyty.


Saturday, July 19, 2008
@ 7:25 PM
finally finish editing..
so tired._.
nice not?hahas.
i am making this blog to become more GIRLISH
what goes around comes around.


@ 4:45 PM
the skin is nice but a bit plain._.
i'll try to add more things & do some adjustment,

erm here to apologize
as i was so emo?
or i should say to become so KB this week.
i am sorry to be rude towards eu all,
i cant control my temper,proberbly.
i am feeling empty.
& stressful


Wednesday, July 16, 2008
@ 4:53 PM
keep the tags (and posts for admins) coming in ya.. :)

and all, please tag the one song name that you want on this playlist. thanks!


Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Partygirl. @ 7:19 PM
Hello Everybody,


Our notice board rocks. The DPM will admire us man!!!(: - lols. kidding.


Sunday, July 13, 2008
14july meeting! @ 9:47 PM
hello all, yourstruly's back.

liying and myself would be back in action tomorrow for the daily recess meetings, hope things will turn out fine enough though; with daphne and myself changing of duties from the second shift to the first one to facilitate movements.

getting myself all busy with acres these two days. :)

kay. kay. see ya all the soonest.


@ 6:49 PM
if eu all dun mind..
can eu post the following picture in ur friendster?
enter our westguaguagua@bs by clicking it(:

you can get the code from me.
i had already done that in my friendster,
any futher improvements, please post to infrom.
thank you!


Saturday, July 12, 2008
:D @ 9:54 PM
JT.Ahgua is my label.
& the jumping out and down"welcome"
is added by me:)
if anyone dun like it just delete,i am ok.
just trying to add more colors to the blog larrs;)



@ 9:30 PM


Friday, July 11, 2008
I STILL LOVE xigua!! @ 6:05 PM

Welcome the NYAA's camp leader who did Our XIGUA PEOPLE proud!( No, they did not... but alright!)

Lets not be shy and post yeah? Tag if you wanna post!!


Elaine (not juanjuan!!!!)

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Our meetings. @ 5:45 PM
Hello, this is Elaine.

Or juanjuan, if you prefer that. :DD

Despite having NYAA camps this week, we would still go with the recess meetings without Liying and Bixuan. ( This is sad but life must go on.)

I is so forgetful lor. I wanted to blog but forgot the email. Thank goodness Bixuan was online and i got the email from her. I mean, thanks really!!


Saturday, July 5, 2008
Xigua = very very good? @ 1:52 PM
I stumbled upon this while site-hopping this morning before going out for my SGT promotion interview..

Associated Press Writer AP - Friday, July 4


A slice of cool, fresh watermelon is a juicy way to top off a Fourth of
July cookout and one that researchers say has effects similar to Viagra _ but
don't necessarily expect it to keep the fireworks going all night long.

Watermelons contain an ingredient called citrulline that can trigger
production of a compound that helps relax the body's blood vessels, similar to
what happens when a man takes Viagra, said scientists in Texas, one of the
nation's top producers of the seedless variety.

Found in the flesh and rind of watermelons, citrulline reacts with the
body's enzymes when consumed in large quantities and is changed into arginine,
an amino acid that benefits the heart and the circulatory and immune systems.

"Arginine boosts nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, the same
basic effect that Viagra has, to treat erectile dysfunction and maybe even
prevent it," said Bhimu Patil, a researcher and director of Texas A&M's
Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center. "Watermelon may not be as organ-specific
as Viagra, but it's a great way to relax blood vessels without any drug side

Todd Wehner, who studies watermelon breeding at North Carolina State
University, said anyone taking Viagra shouldn't expect the same result from

"It sounds like it would be an effect that would be interesting but not
a substitute for any medical treatment," Wehner said.

The nitric oxide can also help with angina, high blood pressure and
other cardiovascular problems, according to the study, which was paid for by the
U.S. Department of Agriculture.
More citrulline _ about 60 percent _ is
found in watermelon rind than in the flesh, Patil said, but that can vary. But
scientists may be able to find ways to boost the concentrations in the flesh, he

Citrulline is found in all colors of watermelon and is highest in the
yellow-fleshed types, said Penelope Perkins-Veazie, a USDA researcher in Lane,

She said Patil's research is valid, but with a caveat: One would need
to eat about six cups of watermelon to get enough citrulline to boost the body's
arginine level.

"The problem you have when you eat a lot of watermelon is you tend to
run to the bathroom more," Perkins-Veazie said.

Watermelon is a diuretic and was a homeopathic treatment for kidney
patients before dialysis became widespread.

Another issue is the amount of sugar that much watermelon would spill
into the bloodstream _ a jolt that could cause cramping, Perkins-Veazie said.

Patil said he would like to do future studies on how to reduce the
sugar content in watermelon.
The relationship between citrulline and
arginine might also prove helpful to those who are obese or suffer from type-2
diabetes. The beneficial effects _ among them the ability to relax blood
vessels, much like Viagra does _ are beginning to be revealed in research.

Citrulline is present in other curcubits, like cucumbers and
cantaloupe, at very low levels, and in the milk protein casein. The highest
concentrations of citrulline are found in walnut seedlings, Perkins-Veazie said.

"But they're bitter and most people don't want to eat them," she

wow.. time to reconsider, no?


Wednesday, July 2, 2008
LMAO! @ 9:37 PM
Please people.
Dont make this blog in SILENCE. (:
Oh yeaah.
BIXUAN & I leaving for NYAA camp next week.
So posting thingy shall let ELAINEHUANG in charge okay.


隨意 @ 5:34 PM
華語很酷, 所以用華語寫作是酷上加酷. Say cool man! :D

嗯.. 從來沒有強烈感覺過, 不過這次.. 時間過得好快. 一天一天地, 怎麼就星期三了! 本說幾時幾時做什麼的, 不過計劃的到頭來, 好像都做不成的..


好啦. 拜. 不要讓這個地方死掉好不好. 像我醬隨筆亂寫也 ok..

A quote from my newfound idol! :P

"從來沒有擁有過得東西, 不用害怕會失去.."
--- 袁帥
